$2,399 and the BLPIIs at $2,258 regularly $2,899. The order requires prepayment and a 7 day ship time. This price is within $50 of cost so charge cards are additional. Call
Larry Wilson at 833-1155 for more
800K External Christmas Special...
AMUG has negotiated a group buy on Fujitsu 800K disk drives for the Macintosh
computer. These drives come with a 2
year warranty and are available for $89
each. For further information on this
great stocking stuffer call Michael Bean
(602) 892-5454.
Design Studio...
The AMUG Design Studio offer was a
great success. Many of our members
participated in the offer and received the
$620 discount on each package
-- part contents for background part 10
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purchased. If you missed out on this purchase of a great page layout program